Dave Valeza


Frequently Asked Questions

What forms of payment do you take?

Visa, MasterCard, AmEx, Discover, or regular account payments through PayPal.

Do I *need* a PayPal account to purchase something?

Nope! You're not required to use a PayPal account to purchase, but if you already have a PayPal account you can!

Do you ship internationally?

Yes! International orders include a $5.00 shipping rate, but it's only $6.00 if you purchase more than one item!

What if I want a commission with NSFW content?

Hit "Contact" in the sidebar menu and and shoot me details of what you'd like + your e-mail address, maybe we can work something out! 

Do you do full-color illustration commissions?

Not at the moment, unfortunately. 

My order is late/hasn't arrived! What do I do?

Contact me immediately at [email protected] with the subject "Late Order" or "Missing Order". I'll figure out what's going on, ASAP!

Where can I see more of your work?

Check out my site, davevaleza.com, or my artblog, davevaleza.tumblr.com!